Feeling trapped

As a restless soul, there will always be a feeling of being trapped. Trapped in a country, trapped in a grind, trapped in a relationship, trapped in a situation. We all have them and especially restless souls have them more than others. Sometimes I look at my friends and family and see how utterly content … Continue reading

The Background

I have always been a restless soul, as you can also gather from the name of my blog 🙂 I have always had the feeling that there is something more out there waiting for me to discover it. Waiting for me to come and find it. Waiting for me to take charge of my own … Continue reading

The idea

I read a book the other day about a guy who created a notebook. But this wasn’t just some diary or journal he kept, this was a notebook that defined his actions in life. When he wrote something in the book he would have to follow it through. When the words changed from being solely … Continue reading

Being restless

So what is being restless all about… where does the title come in? You know the feeling that there is something waiting for you just around the corner, and you know that if you don’t go to peek around the corner you will regret it and pack up the “what if’s” in your life! So … Continue reading